Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Grab Bag Post

Sorry my Monday post is coming on Wednesday. I was visiting Christine of Chocolate and Steel on Monday. She did her first wholesale/ gift show. Her booth was lovely and she seemed really happy with the results.

Here's some of her great work so you can see why she did so well. I'm sure she will talk about The California Gift Show and Renegade on her blog soon.

Then I spent all day Tuesday helping a friend, and amazing artist, dona di Carlo organize her studio so she can host a PMCC certification class with the amazing Lora from Such and Such.

Some of dona's amazing jewelry.
And I still have to make a million pieces for my first craft show in September. I'm a little crazed. So nothing really goes together today it's a "grab bag" snap shot of my busy week.

Giveaway winners, yes that winners plural. Since Christine and Tamara were the only two interested in the animated gif I decided to make them both winners.
Here's one in action,

So ladies, pick a style that you like and send me an email to, we'll hammer out the details size chances, color changes, add logo, what do you want it to say and things like that. And thank you for entering.